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Friday, November 12, 2010

Goals and Goal Management

Being sick reminds me to be grateful for my calendar.  Without a calendar, I'd be stressed each day, when sick, wondering if I was going to sabotage my businesses and family life because I'm down.  Because I use the calendar, instead, I'm able to lay down and not deal with anything except getting better (not that my head will rest!), because I know which events and goals can be put on hold.  Which ones I can complete from bed with a mushy mind, and which ones I'll have to focus and deal with at some point in time.

I put everything down on paper. Everything I do was once a future goal.  Books I want or need to read, time spent learning how to make cascading style sheets, school holidays, bills, etc. There is nothing off limits (though I've grown up a bit and realize setting a goal to check the real mailbox and crossing it off each day doesn't really give me the encouragement I seek).

My goal for today is read a friend's screenplay. I can do that, easily.

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