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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Page A Day: 3/365


Good day to all Page A Day writers! Thank you for staying with us, we are pleased and pray you are as well.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style, 2nd EditionIf the Page A Day turns out to be too much for you, try five minutes a day. You will be surprised how much five minutes a day adds up. If it still adds slowly for you, perhaps you will feel how I feel: "At last! I feel like I’m worth something once again. I've been writing daily and I have never felt better."

Avoid the Truth
There are "experts" who believe that in your writing you must please everyone. We don't. If you are too liberal, you will become stuck in a rut and, sooner or later, your work/writing will take second place and being politically correct will take first and is bound to get you into trouble at some point either way.

If you must, put a disclaimer in the front of your book, stating "for ease of flow in reading…" Fear of being a sexist pig is the number one avoidance, according to too many books and writers (thank you Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style).

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style, 2nd EditionPick a pronoun and stick with it. That works and pleases real readers in the long run. If it works for you, it should work for them.

Final Word
If you are writing a page a day for a book, please do reply. Let us know: which day you started, if you have found it to be fairly easy, if you have hope this will work for you, and any tips and ideas you can share with others.



  1. I just found your blog through Get It In Writing! Yahoo!Group. Like it! :)

    I finally started writing a book that's been "cookin" for about 8 years. I started about a month ago, or so. I haven't been able to work every day: homeschoolin' Mama of 4 and ICES Supervisor, but have written when I can and am making good progress. I'm going to try to use this principle and at least write SOMEthing each day. Definitely want to read you here as much as I can get here, to. :)

  2. We have much in common, I have seven kids, put off a book that's been percolating, LOL, am ready to move forward in a big way, and in the past, I homeschooled our girls, but I'm NOT making great progress. Please do come back and read (sign up on the right side to "follow" and it'll send a reminder you can easily delete). Also, if you want to write a guest post, let me know. Good luck!


Please keep your words friendly and constructive. No cursing or bashing allowed, EVER!