Working at home presents unique situations, such as the one where you have to put off your work in order to handle little everyday changes in plans.
Making cold calls today? Great, that means Johnny got sick at school and the school nurse will interrupt your call. Right? I'll bet you need to mail out several important and time sensitive papers. You guessed it, the washing machine broke and it was in the draining cycle; it drained all over your floor. You won't be mailing anything before the post office closes.
The thing is, just plan for the unplanned. Daily. It WILL happen. Daily.
When I drew up my general daily plan (I keep ONE list for everything-kids, work, house, etc.), I put five hours of work and chores on the list and I NEVER put a time on it, though I do mentally push through time slots the evening before, that way I have a road map of sorts to accomplish it all.
Five hours isn't much, considering the majority of people work more than eight hours a day (that and the fact you OWN your business), but if you concentrate, do it all RIGHT the first time, and focus, then it will be worth more than all the hours of the day.
You work from home for a reason, schedule in that something will happen and tighten up your commitment to your business. If you say you'll work five hours, work it. Who knows, maybe by planning for an accident, it will all go smoothly and you'll end up with free time.
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